It is my belief that we do not have a fundamental right to pilfer and plunder our natural world, and that what we do have is a fundamental responsibility to do what we can to protect our planet's waters, soils, air, and the diverse wildlife that we share these resources with. The former does not ensure economic prosperity for all; the latter does. When one learns that certain actions have consequences--say, that morning coffee ritual from a business that heavily uses styrofoam cups, a product that simply and effectively trashes the earth--is there not only one ethical and moral thing to do? To start buying coffee from a business that does more for the environment? Change is necessary if we care about all the generations behind us--human and wildlife alike. But change is a complicated thing.

Therein lies the conundrum.

My pledge: to embrace change, and to find solutions to the conundrum.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Peregrines, peregrines, peregrines

A Peregrine was found with a severely infected crop (poor intake of a pigeon). After surgery and a brief rehabilitative period, it was released in its territory over Peirce Island in Portsmouth, NH. Soon after scaling to its height in the last photo it was joined by another falcon, possibly its mate! Very cool!

Click on this link to see pix of the Peregrine falcon as it was being released by Center for Wildlife (CFW) staff in Jan. '09:

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